Clinical visits in gynecology
Besides diagnostic hysteroscopy, operative hysteroscopy has also become established as a standard method in clinics and outpatient centers. In addition, gynecological laparoscopy is another sub-area. Richard Wolf offers an extensive product portfolio that is individually tailored to the respective surgical techniques. Almost all possible interventions in gynecology, but primarily minimally invasive surgery, are carried out in the selected clinical hospitation centers. Specialists with many years of experience are available for this, who will explain step by step the procedure, technique and advantages of the corresponding surgical technique up close and lucidly.
Laparoscopic & endoscopic surgical techniques
Frauenklinik an der Elbe, Hamburg: Laparoscopic & endoscopic surgical techniques
Venue: Frauenklinik an der Elbe, Hamburg
Outpatient endoscopic surgical techniques
Dr. med. Rüdiger Söder / PD Dr. med. habil. Daniel Böhm / Dr. med. Silvio Söder
Venue:, Mainz