Cyber attack on Richard Wolf: Communication is temporarily severely restricted
(Knittlingen, November 07, 2022) Richard Wolf has also been affected by the latest wave of cyber attacks on well-known companies since last week Thursday. The company's data has been encrypted.
The IT-Department of the medical technology company from Knittlingen reacted very fast and shut down all systems. The company is currently working with external IT security consultants and authorities to analyse the attack, secure traces and than recover the systems as quickly and securely as possible. Richard Wolf calls on all employees and business partners to be vigilant.
The options for digital communication and the access to the company’s landline network are still limited. In urgent cases, the latest information can be found on the company website:
Die Richard Wolf GmbH ist ein mittelständisches Medizintechnik-Unternehmen mit über 1.500 Mitarbeitern sowie weltweit achtzehn Niederlassungen und 130 Auslandsvertretungen. Die Firma entwickelt, produziert und vertreibt eine Vielzahl von Produkten für die Endoskopie und extrakorporale Stoßwellen-Behandlung in der Humanmedizin. Integrierte OP-Systeme runden das Produkt-Portfolio ab.
Richard Wolf GmbH
Pforzheimer Straße 32
75438 Knittlingen
Tel. +49 7043 35-1102