First electric vehicle in the fleet at Richard Wolf
(Knittlingen, July 17, 2017) The medical technology company Richard Wolf adds the first electric vehicle to its company fleet, a BMW i3. Until now, Richard Wolf had only used diesel vehicles as company cars. "By purchasing an electric vehicle from our partner, BMW dealer Melter in Bretten, we at Richard Wolf are taking a first step in a new direction", explains Managing Director Jürgen Steinbeck taking delivery of the new vehicle. "Richard Wolf not only relies on innovative technologies and products for medical technology, we also want to be innovative and environmentally aware when it comes to company vehicles, true to the motto: excellence in innovation!", continues Steinbeck.
The first electric vehicle in the Richard Wolf fleet will be available to employees for shorter company journeys within the region. "That way, both we at management level and our employees can garner experience - especially as the vehicle fleet might be converting to hybrid and/or electric vehicles", adds Managing Director Jürgen Pfab.
Richard Wolf is a medium-sized medical technology company with over 1,500 employees along with fourteen subsidiaries and 130 foreign agencies worldwide. The company develops, produces and distributes numerous products for endoscopy and extracorporeal shock wave treatment in human medicine. Integrated operating theater systems round out the product range.
Press contact:
Richard Wolf GmbH
Press office
Pforzheimer Straße 32
75438 Knittlingen, Germany
Tel. +49 7043 35-1102