Richard Wolf at the 69th Congress of the German Society of Urology 2017 in Dresden
(Knittlingen, Germany, September 20, 2017) At the 69th Congress of the German Society of Urology (DGU) in Dresden, medical technology company Richard Wolf is presenting a whole host of highlights.
With the new flexible MAMBA vision sensor cystoscope, Richard Wolf is completing its product portfolio of flexible sensor endoscopes for the field of urology. In addition to the many advantages of these endoscopes, they can also be used with the new ENDOCAM Logic 4K camera platform.
With the ENDOCAM Logic 4K, Richard Wolf offers a 4K camera system for a wide range of endoscopy applications. From the image formation at the tip of the endoscope through to viewing on the high-resolution monitor, imaging and processing is continuously optimized to 4K. The effective signal function processes the 4K signal at the original resolution, without up-scaling. As a future-oriented integrated solution, the 4K platform can be used efficiently and universally in all endoscopic disciplines. It can also be incorporated into operating theater integration systems such as core nova. In order to offer users the best possible levels of compatibility and convenience, the camera system is designed to enable Full HD camera heads and flexible instruments from Richard Wolf to also be used. Interested buyers can find details online at: ENDOCAM Logic 4K.
A further highlight is the electrode for bipolar enucleation, which was specially developed by Richard Wolf. The design of the new bipolar enucleation electrode has many special features. A tiny electrode head with distal wedge-shaped contact surfaces enables precise work, whether by means of purely mechanical enucleation or involving effective coagulation and incision using HF current. The donut-shaped surface of the distal electrode head allows efficient vaporization and coagulation with minimal loss of blood. The company provides information on this at Bipolare Enucleationelectrode.
In terms of minimally invasive BPH and stone treatments, Richard Wolf is presenting its new Holmium:YAG Laser MegaPulse 70+ at the DGU Congress. HoLEP (Holmium Laser Enucleation of the Prostate Gland) can be easily carried out with the available power of 70 watts. With its high frequency and energy, the laser can be used for quick and effective treatment of stones, thus providing the user with a high-speed system for lithotripsy.
A unique, special 200 μm power laser fiber, which achieves a power output comparable with a 272 μm fiber in small diameters, is excellently suited for flexible ureterorenoscopies. The automatic detection of the laser fiber using RFID technology enables the user to simply and efficiently identify the laser fiber size. This detection stage can also be completed when the laser fiber is in a packaged, sterile condition. Further information is available at MegaPulse 70+.
As part of the 69th Congress of the German Society of Urology, the MegaPulse 70+ laser from Richard Wolf is being demonstrated in a number of semi-live operations on Wednesday, September 20, 2017 from 9 a.m. The new MAMBA vision sensor cystoscope is also being applied in combination with the MegaPulse 70+ laser for a mini PCNL with laser lithotripsy.
Richard Wolf is a medium-sized medical technology company with over 1,500 employees along with fourteen subsidiaries and 130 foreign agencies worldwide. The company develops, produces, and distributes numerous products for endoscopy and extracorporeal shock wave treatment in human medicine. Integrated operating theater systems complete the product range.
Press Contact:
Richard Wolf GmbH
Press Office
Pforzheimer Strasse 32
75438 Knittlingen, Germany
Tel. +49 7043 35-1102