Richard Wolf GmbH honored as a volunteer-friendly employer for civil protection
(Knittlingen, November 18, 2021) Richard Wolf GmbH, the medium-sized medical technology company based in the German town of Knittlingen, has been honored as a volunteer-friendly employer for civil protection at the 2021 awards. Wilfried Klenk, State Secretary at the Ministry of the Interior, Digitalisation and Local Government in Baden-Württemberg, personally presented the award to Volker Maute, Vice President Sales, Service and Marketing and Timo Haller, Manager for Coordination and Management of Subsidiaries / Executive Project Management, at an official ceremony.
The state of Baden-Württemberg is firmly committed to acknowledging and promoting employers who support volunteering activities within their companies. To this end, the Minister of the Interior presents an annual award honoring volunteer-friendly employers that support civil-protection volunteers in carrying out their duties. This year, a total of 27 companies in Baden-Württemberg received the “Volunteer-Friendly Employer for Civil Protection” award.
Around 1,200 employees work at the headquarters of Richard Wolf GmbH in Knittlingen. These include 14 workers who serve in Knittlingen’s volunteer fire service – they can be called away from their work if an emergency call comes in and therefore play an important role in ensuring that the service is available as and when required. Richard Wolf provides support here by releasing its workers if they are called out and by making available designated fire service parking spaces right in front of the buildings in which the volunteer firefighters work. The company also allows the volunteer fire service to carry out its training exercises on its premises. In addition, Richard Wolf supports various other aid agencies, such as the German Red Cross. A number of members of the German Red Cross also serve as medics within the company.
Company profile:
Richard Wolf GmbH is a medium-sized medical technology company with over 1,500 employees, along with eighteen subsidiaries and 130 foreign agencies worldwide. The company develops, produces, and distributes numerous products for endoscopy and extracorporeal shock wave treatment in human medicine. Integrated operating room systems round out the product range.
Press contact:
Richard Wolf GmbH
Press Office
Pforzheimer Straße 32
75438 Knittlingen, Germany
Tel. +49 7043 35-1102