Richard Wolf wins M&K AWARD 2017 in the category "IT and Communication"
(Knittlingen, 16 February 2017) Medical technology company Richard Wolf took first place with the innovative OR integration solution core nova in Category B "IT and Communication" at the Management & Hospital AWARD 2017.
In the fall of 2016, two products from Richard Wolf – the small and compact camera solution ENDOCAM Flex HD and the integration solution core nova – were nominated by the Jury as finalists in two different categories. The nominating jury was made up of representatives from the German Federation of Health IT (bvitg), the Federation of German Interior Design Architects (BDIA), the German Society for Hospital Hygiene (DGKH), the Specialist Association for Biomedical Technology (fbmt), and Heidelberg University Hospital. From October to November 2016, readers and online visitors had the opportunity to cast their votes in support of their favorite product.
The OR integration solution core nova from Richard Wolf was voted first place in Category B "IT and Communication"! "We are very proud and delighted to have earned this award. Our sincere thanks go to all those people who cast their votes for us," commented Christian Obermeier, Head of Marketing Communication at Richard Wolf.
core nova – OR integration in any dimension
The fully network-based core nova system for operating room (OR) integration from the medical technology company supports hospitals in optimizing processes in the operating theater – including with convenient video routing, easy documentation solutions and integrated device control. Thanks to the full scalability of components, a wide range of configurations is possible from a mobile solution through to comprehensive full integration.
Rapid and cost-efficient installation is possible because the existing IT infrastructure in the hospital can be used for core nova. A dedicated technology room is no longer necessary and this significantly reduces the space and energy requirement.
The system is controlled using touchscreen PCs which operate independently of each other, and functions can therefore be performed in parallel. This feature can be used for genuine process optimization. Devices, OR tables and OR lamps can be integrated in the system and presets can be stored specifically for defined users. Convenient media management encompasses a number of features including the possibility of documentation of all integrated video sources.
Richard Wolf is a mid-sized medical technology company. It employs a workforce of more than 1,500 employees and maintains a global network of fourteen subsidiaries and 130 foreign representatives. The company develops, manufactures and markets a large range of products for endoscopy and extracorporeal shock wave treatment in human medicine. Integrated Operating Room Systems complete the product portfolio.
Press Contact:
Richard Wolf GmbH
Press Office
Pforzheimer Straße 32
75438 Knittlingen, Germany
Phone: +49 7043 35-1102