Richard Wolf donates EUR 12,000 to local social institutions
(Knittlingen, February 8, 2019) Over the Christmas period, Knittlingen-based medical technology company Richard Wolf GmbH donated a total of EUR 12,000 to local social institutions.
EUR 5,000 to the Familienherberge Lebensweg children's hospice
The Familienherberge Lebensweg children's hospice in Illingen-Schützingen was delighted to receive a donation of EUR 5,000 just a few days before Christmas 2018. The check was presented to the hospice's Managing Director Karin Eckstein by Richard Wolf GmbH's two Managing Directors, Jürgen Steinbeck, and Jürgen Pfab. The medical technology company has been providing support to this project, which is the only one of its kind in southern Germany, since 2015. "We care deeply about the welfare of the children in the hospice and their families, and we want to make regular contributions," said Jürgen Steinbeck in his short speech during the donation ceremony.
EUR 5,000 to the Kinderzentrum Maulbronn children's hospital
Shortly before Christmas 2018, Jürgen Steinbeck and Jürgen Pfab also presented a check for EUR 5,000 to the Kinderzentrum Maulbronn (KIZE) children's hospital. Prof. Dr. med. Rainer Blank, Medical Director and Managing Director of the KIZE, plus Dick Berner, also Managing Director of the KIZE, and Karl Craiß, Director of the Christophorushilfe association, accepted the donation on behalf of the clinic. It is no coincidence that Richard Wolf has once again chosen the KIZE to demonstrate the company's social commitment, in particular towards children. The medical technology company has been associated with the KIZE since the spring of 2017. The partnership was strengthened further by Richard Wolf's fundraising campaign during the 2018 soccer World Cup.
EUR 2,000 to the DRK-Ortsverein Knittlingen
At the beginning of December, the DRK-Ortsverein Knittlingen (the local association of the German Red Cross (GRC)) also had ample reason to celebrate. At the official presentation of the new car for the "Helfer vor Ort" (certified first responder) team, Volker Maute, Vice President for Sales, Service & Marketing and authorized representative for Richard Wolf, handed over a donation of EUR 2,000 to the GRC local association. 75% of the price of the new Peugeot Partner Tepee was financed through donations, with Richard Wolf's contribution also being put towards the new car. "At Richard Wolf, we are thrilled to support this great initiative with our donation, which we hope will honor the commitment of the volunteers and the association," said Maute as he handed over the donation. The certified first responder team at the Knittlingen GRC local association is currently made up of five active volunteer helpers who are called to medical emergences via pagers to provide rapid on-site first aid.
Richard Wolf GmbH is a medium-sized medical technology company with over 1,500 employees, along with fifteen subsidiaries and 130 foreign agencies worldwide. The company develops, produces, and distributes numerous products for endoscopy and extracorporeal shock wave treatment in human medicine. Integrated operating theater systems round out the product range.
Press contact:
Richard Wolf GmbH
Press Office
Pforzheimer Straße 32
75438 Knittlingen, Germany
Tel. +49 7043 35-1102
Background information
Familienherberge Lebensweg children's hospice
Established by Karin Eckstein, the Familienherberge Lebensweg opened in May 2018 after several years of preliminary work. A former farm belonging to her parents now provides the location for a complex consisting of twelve short-stay residential places providing care, support, assistance, and respite to seriously ill children and their parents. The families themselves decide when and to what extent their child's care is placed into the hands of the dedicated care team.
"Maintaining a sense of comfort and a feeling of security are top priorities for us," explains Karin Eckstein, founder of the hospice and trained pediatric nurse. "We want to make sure that our guests at the Familienherberge Lebensweg are made to feel valued, cared for, and comforted, while also providing them with enough space to breathe." Around EUR 200,000 are required every year to keep the hospice up and running. Alongside Richard Wolf, several other companies also provide support to the ambitious institution, whose official ambassadors include prominent figures including star tenor Jay Alexander and soccer legend Guido Buchwald.
Kinderzentrum Maulbronn gGmbH (KIZE) children's hospital
Kinderzentrum Maulbronn gGmbH is an independent, institution. Since it was first established 40 years ago, it has been part of the Social Welfare Service of the Protestant Churches in Württemberg. With its specialist clinic for pediatric neurology and social pediatrics as well as the social-pediatric outpatient center, it is one of the leading interdisciplinary medical treatment institutions of its kind in Europe. The clinic currently treats around 6,000 children and adolescents with chronic illnesses, developmental disorders, disabilities, and psychosocial disorders as outpatients every year, with around 600 treated as inpatients.
The clinic's landmarked building now requires urgent renovation – approximately EUR 9 million are needed to carry out the necessary fire protection and essential renovation work. As with the proceeds from the World Cup fundraising campaign, the most recent donation from Richard Wolf will therefore go to the Christophorushilfe, the friends association of the KIZE.
Certified first responder service of the GRC local association
Due to the fact that emergency services have to travel longer distances in rural areas, the volunteers from GRC local associations are also alerted via pagers. Thanks to their proximity and excellent knowledge of the location, the GRC responders can provide the necessary first aid on site until the emergency services arrive. Vehicles, equipment, and other essential purchases are financed with subsidies and donations.